For those who are intersted in online book discussions, here are some links to online book clubs you might find interesting:
Online Book Club - http://onlinebookclub.org/ This site offers those people who love to read a wide range of book reviews and book recommendations. Also included are many interactive discussions and polls about books. At this book club you can find information and discussions about classic books as well as new releases, both in the old solid form and the relatively new eBook form.
First Tuesday Book Club - http://www.abc.net.au/tv/firsttuesday/ The popular ABC TV show has some good online forums, as well as reviews and information about special guests to be featured on upcoming shows.
Readers' Paradise - http://glyphs.gardenweb.com/forums/paradise/ This forum is for the discussion of all topics related to reading and literature. Its name is derived from something Jorge Luis Borges once said: "I have always imagined that Paradise would be a kind of library.."
There are many more out there - just Google "Online Book Club" or "Book Discussion" and you're bound to find something interesting.